PDA calls for rethink of decision to end free parking for NHS workers
Thu 27th May 2021
The UK government has announced that it is ending a scheme for NHS workers which has provided free parking to those on duty during the COVID-19 emergency response period.
Government calls for evidence to support a Women’s Health Strategy for England
Fri 30th April 2021
The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) is seeking views to help inform the development of the government’s Women’s Health Strategy for England. The call for evidence looks to collect views on women's health and will run until 30 May 2021.
Joint national plan for inclusive pharmacy practice in England
Mon 15th March 2021
The PDA is partnering with NHS England and Improvement and a wide range of national organisations across the pharmacy sector to co-produce a plan to develop inclusive pharmacy practice in England.
The PDA launches web portal with the NHS in England which helps to ensure that locums do not miss out on their own prioritised Covid-19 vaccination
Fri 29th January 2021
PDA will ensure that self -employed locums can enjoy the same access to Covid-19 vaccination priority as do their employed colleagues.
PDA agrees a web portal with the NHS in England to help ensure that locums do not miss out on their prioritised Covid-19 vaccination
Mon 18th January 2021
PDA will ensure that self -employed locums can enjoy the same access to Covid-19 vaccination priority as do their employed colleagues.
PDA member survey shows prescription charges in England regularly prevent patients from receiving their medicines
Fri 23rd October 2020
The results of a survey of PDA members reveals widespread occurrences of patients being unable to afford to pay for the medicines they need. The PDA is a member of the Prescription Charges Coalition, a group of organisations calling on the UK Government to scrap prescription charges in England for people with long-term conditions.
PDA calls on NHS England to follow the example of NHS Scotland – COVID update 18
Tue 7th April 2020
Whilst the highly supportive Scottish Government measures to support community pharmacists in Scotland were announced on Tuesday 7th April, pharmacists in England are asked to join the fight on COVID-19 with woefully inadequate resources according to the PDA.
NHS England updates guidance regarding Coronavirus – update 1
Fri 13th March 2020
NHS England has issued guidance for primary care-based healthcare professionals on required actions whilst novel Coronavirus is an infection risk to the population.
PDA responds to NHS England consultation on draft Primary Care Network DES Service Specifications
Mon 27th January 2020
NHS England consulted from 23 December 2019 to 15 January 2020 on draft Primary Care Network DES (Direct Enhanced Service) Specifications.
Health Education England cuts funding for hospital trainee pharmacists (called pre-reg until end of summer 2021) in England
Fri 11th January 2019
Health Education England has announced a decision to cut funding for hospital trainee pharmacists (called pre-reg until end of summer 2021) placements by up to 25% from 2020 onward.