The following FAQ provide general information, advice and guidance for members at Boots who are impacted by the company’s proposed cuts to pharmacy opening hours and related cuts or changes to members’ working patterns, total hours or work location(s).
While these FAQ should be helpful, each situation may depend on it’s own specific circumstances and so we also encourage members with specific concerns to contact their local PDA Union network representative at Boots and/or contact the PDA Service Centre for support with specific queries.
The FAQ may be updated as the overall situation evolves, so if reviewing a downloaded or printed copy of the FAQ, please first check this page on the PDA website to ensure they are the most up to date version.
Click the image to open the 8-page document:
Learn more
- PDA raise concerns over Redundancy Selection Process at Boots
- Request to waive restrictions on pharmacists who face cuts to hours and pay
- Advice for Relief Pharmacists
- Legal right to trial period in redundancy situations
- Boots Pharmacists may be impacted by hours reduction
- Boots pharmacists’ employment concerns as details of proposed hours reductions are revealed
Not yet a PDA member?
If you have not yet joined the PDA, we encourage you to join today and ask your colleagues to do the same.
Membership is FREE to pharmacy students, trainee pharmacists and for the first three months of being newly qualified.
Read about our key member benefits here.