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National Executive Committee to determine a formal response following the recent LloydsPharmacy announcement

PDA Union has been inundated with contacts from concerned pharmacists at Lloyds after the company announced it will shortly commence the process of discussing the possibility of redundancies and contractual change.

Wed 8th July 2020 PDA Union

Over recent years, the PDA has supported pharmacists at Lloyds as they have dealt with a series of problematic HR initiatives at the company, including issues relating to withheld pay, bonus miscalculation and restructures. Alongside this, individual pharmacists have had tailored support with situations relating to their specific employment, including branch closures. The current senior management has now launched “Project Connect” which could lead to significant changes in the employment terms and potential job losses for Lloyds pharmacists and their teams.

Employees were notified about the project this week and have contacted us in record numbers, calling for the PDA Union to urgently formalise a collective voice for pharmacists at the company. Pharmacists at Boots concluded a similar process in 2019 and the union have since been making a positive difference for pharmacists there; the Boots pharmacists’ second annual pay claim has just been submitted.

As Lloyds Pharmacy does not yet recognise an independent trade union, under employment law the consultation over potential redundancies and/or changes to employment contracts will need to involve ‘employee representatives’ who will carry the responsibility of speaking for their colleagues. If the union were recognised, this function would be performed by representatives trained by the union and able to rely on the union’s resources and expertise.

PDA Union’s National Executive Committee, the body of pharmacists who govern the union, will now be formally asked to approve the unions’ response to secure the best outcome for Lloyds pharmacists. A further statement will be issued in the next few days.

In the meantime, we have published the following list of actions for all Lloyds Pharmacists:

Strength in Numbers

With more members, the PDA Union has more ability to secure influence for the pharmacist population.

  • If you have not already joined, please join the PDA without delay:
  • If you know a colleague that has not yet joined the PDA, please encourage them to join.

A voice for pharmacists

Pharmacists are a profession with specific responsibilities, regulation and standards. We need the right people representing your needs and views. Although the company does not currently have to consult with trade union representatives, we will support PDA members if they become employee representatives. Please consider if you or a pharmacist colleague would stand for these roles, contact our office and DO NOT MISS THE DEADLINE TO APPLY AS PER THE MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION – If it isn’t PDA Union supported pharmacist(s) as the employee representatives, who will be speaking for all pharmacists?

Help the PDA to help you

We will need to communicate with targeted groups as this process continues, so help us to help you. Please make sure your employment details are recorded accurately on your PDA membership record:

Individual support

Individuals with specific information or situations can also contact the PDA Union in confidence to talk about their workplace concern or query. We are concerned for the general wellbeing of members affected by this announcement and in addition to the support and representation available from the PDA Union, we would also like to remind you of the excellent personal support provided by Pharmacist Support.


The Pharmacists' Defence Association is a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England; Company No 4746656.

The Pharmacists' Defence Association is an appointed representative in respect of insurance mediation activities only of
The Pharmacy Insurance Agency Limited which is registered in England and Wales under company number 2591975
and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Register No 307063)

The PDA Union is recognised by the Certification Officer as an independent trade union.

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