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NHS pay update following members survey – England, Wales, and Northern Ireland

On 19 December, the PDA invited members working in the NHS in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland to participate in a survey, the results of which would inform a decision on whether to move to any formal industrial action ballot(s). Separate communications have been sent to members in Scotland, where there is a different NHS pay offer.

Thu 5th January 2023 The PDA

The communications explained the strict legal requirements regarding the numbers participating in a formal ballot and the level of support for strike action that would have to be met for PDA Union members to participate in lawful industrial action, and receive the legal protection afforded by the 2016 Trade Union Act and other earlier legislation.

The survey was sent to over 7,000 PDA Union members directly employed in the NHS on Agenda for Change terms and conditions. It was open from 19 December to 3 January and was made available to members by direct email and publicised on the PDA website and social media. Reminders were also sent to members during this period and the survey was reported in the media. Although this was not a formal ballot, it was stressed that the turnout and result would be used to inform a decision on whether a formal ballot would be likely to achieve the requirements that are laid down in the legislation that governs such ballots.

The reaction to the survey represents the highest response to a survey of this sort in the history of the PDA Union. Members are, however, reminded that in addition to a majority voting for action, a formal ballot would require at least 50% of the members balloted to participate and at least 40% of the members balloted to vote ‘yes’ in order for industrial action to be lawfully taken. Although the PDA believes that these restrictions are unfair, bureaucratic, and designed to make exercising the right to take industrial action difficult, it is not an option for the PDA Union to ignore the legislation.

The PDA is now analysing the responses in detail, and this will be reported to the scheduled meeting of the PDA Union National Executive Committee (NEC) in January. It is for the NEC to decide whether to authorise any formal industrial action ballot.

A full update setting out the decisions and next steps will be provided to members after the NEC meeting later this month.

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The Pharmacists' Defence Association is a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England; Company No 4746656.

The Pharmacists' Defence Association is an appointed representative in respect of insurance mediation activities only of
The Pharmacy Insurance Agency Limited which is registered in England and Wales under company number 2591975
and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Register No 307063)

The PDA Union is recognised by the Certification Officer as an independent trade union.

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