As no one document will fit all contractual relationships which locums (self-employed or through an intermediary), we have instead provided advice to all locum pharmacists in the briefings on employment status, IR35 and a checklist, which will assist you in assessing the true status of your relationship.
If, after reading these documents, you need further advice, call the PDA on 0121 694 7000 or email us at: [email protected]
Advice on Locum Contracts
Is your locum contract actually representative of what you actually do? Download the below document to find out what you need to be aware of.

Employment Status and IR35
Don’t be caught out by the IR35 rules. Download the below guidance document for more information.

Employment Status Checklist
If you are still confused by CEST, complete the PDA checklist and ask our Employment Team for advice.

As some of you are having difficulty with the CEST questionnaire (understandably), we have reviewed the questions and answers that you were asked, and have provided some explanation to assist you further. As stated previously, it is not the most helpful of questionnaires and it is due to be updated, so in the meantime, we hope that the below document will assist you.

Fri 1st November 2024
Last month, PDA members working as locum members came together to make sure that they know how to avoid the pitfalls and enjoy the positives of working as a locum pharmacist.
Thu 11th January 2024
In our latest member voice article, a locum pharmacist anonymously recalls how a community pharmacy chose to decline their offer to cover a shift and decided to close the store rather than pay the pharmacist their requested day rate.
Wed 22nd November 2023
The PDA urges contractors and NHS England to engage with the workforce to make it a success.
Tue 1st November 2022
Locum pharmacists were briefly hopeful that issues arising from IR35 may have been overcome but instead they continue to face certain barriers created by some employers.
Thu 4th November 2021
The PDA has written to locum members after some large pharmacy contractors have contacted locum pharmacists asking them to provide details of their working arrangements. This is connected to the HMRC investigation into the tax status of locums which forms part of the extension of the IR35 arrangements into the private sector.
Fri 11th June 2021
The PDA support the 38 Degrees petition, created by the NPA, that calls on the Westminster government to recompense pharmacies for the extra costs they have incurred by staying open to provide health services during the COVID-19 pandemic. The petition now has almost 100,000 signatures, but needs more to make sure politicians and the general public know about this issue.
Fri 4th June 2021
A disappointing report from the three major community pharmacy employer bodies ends with nine recommendations for others to act, but fails to include a single commitment about what the employers will do.
Mon 1st February 2021
With just two months remaining until Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (HMRC) extend the IR35 arrangements into the private sector on 6 April 2021, the PDA is highlighting to locums that they should ensure they have the right tax and business arrangements in place.
Fri 29th January 2021
PDA will ensure that self -employed locums can enjoy the same access to Covid-19 vaccination priority as do their employed colleagues.
Mon 18th January 2021
PDA will ensure that self -employed locums can enjoy the same access to Covid-19 vaccination priority as do their employed colleagues.