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PDA – Locum Advice

The PDA template locum contract for services is currently not available on our website whilst a review is undertaken and we no longer advise its use. due to recent changes in the self-employed market. The reason for this is that with the development of the cases on employment status such as Uber, Pimlico Plumbers, etc, although parties can agree on the terms of the contract, these terms, however carefully crafted, may not represent the reality of the relationship between the parties.

As no one document will fit all contractual relationships which locums (self-employed or through an intermediary), we have instead provided advice to all locum pharmacists in the briefings on employment status, IR35 and a checklist, which will assist you in assessing the true status of your relationship.

If, after reading these documents, you need further advice, call the PDA on 0121 694 7000 or email us at: [email protected] 

Advice on Locum Contracts

Is your locum contract actually representative of what you actually do? Download the below document to find out what you need to be aware of.

thumbnail of Advice to locum pharmacists

Employment Status and IR35

Don’t be caught out by the IR35 rules. Download the below guidance document for more information.

thumbnail of Employment Status and IR35

Employment Status Checklist

If you are still confused by CEST, complete the PDA checklist and ask our Employment Team for advice.

thumbnail of Employment status checklist

As some of you are having difficulty with the CEST questionnaire (understandably), we have reviewed the questions and answers that you were asked, and have provided some explanation to assist you further. As stated previously, it is not the most helpful of questionnaires and it is due to be updated, so in the meantime, we hope that the below document will assist you.


thumbnail of Worked examples of the CEST tool



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