Women make up the majority of the global health workforce and continue to be a major presence at the frontline of the pandemic response, risking their lives and those of their families. Across different sectors, women pharmacists, who represent around two-thirds of the total number of pharmacists in the UK, have demonstrated how crucial their presence has been in the last few months to ensure high-quality care.
Although women make up the majority of healthcare workers, they are not well represented in leadership positions. The gender disparity in leadership remains a big problem in the healthcare sector, with pharmacy included, and follows the general trend of men taking up most leadership roles. The existing gender leadership imbalance has the potential to inadvertently deepen inequality due to women’s lack of representation in response planning and decision making.
Businesses have a responsibility to ensure that their response to the pandemic is taking the unequal impact on women into consideration. Companies employing pharmacists should focus their attention on creating the right working environments to enable women pharmacists to undertake jobs that allow them to find a good life-work balance. This requires awareness and acceptance from employers that in many cases women have caring responsibilities.
In order to mitigate the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on women pharmacists’ pay, employment, work conditions and work-life balance, NAWP is urging businesses to:
- create the right conditions and incentives for women to work while respecting their caring responsibilities
- increase the offer of family-friendly policies like flexible working and shared parental leave
- invest in women’s leadership education
- increase the uptake of women in top leadership positions
- include women more in response planning and decision making.
There are already some encouraging signs that the unintended consequences of the global pandemic are stimulating employers to shift their attention towards adopting gender-inclusive policies like flexible working and family-friendly policies. In order to avoid losing ground in the fight against the widening of the gender pay gaps, employers are encouraging women to take on leadership positions. NAWP is relentlessly supporting women to be part of these initiatives and urges women pharmacists to get in touch if they encounter any difficulties in the workplace.
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