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PDA Reps meet to share best practice in supporting members

Last month, the PDA hosted its second virtual networking event for PDA Reps. The focus of the event was around sharing best practice and successes when supporting members with issues at work.

Thu 9th June 2022 The PDA

Jyoti Saini, PDA Rep in a Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) said, “The reps networking session was online and so was really accessible for everyone. It was a way in which all the reps from various sectors including community and primary care could share ideas and information. This included the challenges and successes we have had with different members we have supported. Being on Microsoft Teams meant that we could add links and documents into the ‘chat’ function, which will be useful for us to refer back to in the future. It was beneficial to have PDA staff at the event so that we could gain further guidance and advice from them as we develop as reps.”

Anne Davies, PDA Regional Rep in Boots said, “It was great to attend the recent reps networking session on member issues and to hear the experiences of fellow workplace reps. I learned a lot from hearing about the challenges faced by rep colleagues and their successes, and also picked up useful tips on dealing with difficult situations. I am already looking forward to future sessions.”

Rhys Buchan, PDA Student Rep said, “As a PDA Student Representative, it was a great opportunity to observe and learn how representatives from across the country encourage members to get involved in the PDA Union as well as how they handle member issues. The event was very well organised and relaxed with plenty of opportunities to raise questions during discussions. Thank you to PDA staff for organising the event. I’m looking forward to attending similar events in the future!”

PDA Reps are vital to the work of the union. PDA members who are interested in getting involved and making a difference in the workplace, with employers, and in the pharmacy sector, are encouraged to get in touch with the PDA today.

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The Pharmacists' Defence Association is a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England; Company No 4746656.

The Pharmacists' Defence Association is an appointed representative in respect of insurance mediation activities only of
The Pharmacy Insurance Agency Limited which is registered in England and Wales under company number 2591975
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