Concerns over physical safety of Boots Pharmacists as security reduced.
Fri 28th December 2018
Pharmacists at Boots midnight stores are raising concerns at work after local management have decided to reduce the level of security cover in some stores. The winter season brings darker evenings and increased numbers of shoppers and potentially increased numbers of shoplifters.
PDA represented at the Plaid Cymru Conference Dinner
Mon 15th October 2018
PDA Executive Representative for Wales and West England, Richard Evans represented the PDA at the Plaid Cymru Conference Dinner on Friday 5th October in Cardigan, Wales.
Wales sets the standard and backs Safer Pharmacies Charter and zero tolerance approach to Violence in Pharmacies
Fri 20th July 2018
Community pharmacies across Wales will soon receive a copy of the Safer Pharmacies Charter. The document, produced by the PDA (Pharmacists’ Defence Association), outlines seven commitments to improve safety and care for patients, through better working conditions in UK pharmacy practice.
Press Release: Bill to protect NHS workers from assault recognises plight of pharmacists
Fri 17th November 2017
Following its recent lobbying campaign, PDA welcomes the progress made by the committee of MPs debating the bill to protect emergency workers from assault, to extend the protection to pharmacists working in community pharmacy.
Press Release: PDA want Pharmacists included in the Assault on Emergency Workers (offences) Bill
Tue 17th October 2017
PDA are calling on members of parliament to include pharmacists in the scope of the Assault on Emergency Workers (offences) Bill being proposed by Chris Bryant MP, and to ensure the bill becomes law.
PDA reissue Violence in Pharmacy policy and resource pack
Thu 4th May 2017
The PDA has reissued their Violence in Pharmacy policy and associated resource pack as part of their ongoing efforts to stop violence in pharmacies.
Consultation on Pharmaceutical Services Regulations in Northern Ireland
Wed 2nd November 2016
The Department of Health in Northern Ireland consulted on legal changes to enable prescriptions from therapeutic radiographers and registered dieticians to be dispensed, and to allow community pharmacy contractors to refuse to provide services to patients (or those accompanying them) if they are violent or threaten violence or a criminal offence.