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Resources (including videos)

Please find resources relating to the COVID-19 crisis in this section.

PDA #getvaccinated campaign

The PDA has launched a new campaign that is calling on all pharmacists to have the COVID-19 vaccine and to help encourage their patients, family and friends, especially those in the BAME community, to do the same.

As part of the campaign, the PDA has been posting videos to their social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn) from pharmacists across the UK that have had the vaccine and would like to encourage others to stay safe by getting vaccinated too. The campaign hashtags are #PDAbame and #GetVaccinated.

The campaign resources can be found here.

Download the FAQ document

thumbnail of PDA Covid19 Question and Answer

Download the Vaccination Safety Resources

The PDA vaccination safety resources are available for download below. If you would like to receive a FREE resource pack that includes posters and stickers, please email providing your name and full postal address.

thumbnail of PDA Covid-19 vaccination progamme


thumbnail of PDA-Stickers

Zero tolerance of abuse in pharmacies poster

The PDA has released a poster emphasising zero tolerance of abuse in pharmacies, which we encourage all members to print and display in their pharmacy. The awareness of this policy is key if patient behaviour is to be influenced.

Download the poster here

thumbnail of Zero tolerance for abuse update

Pharmacist ID card

PDA has produced an electronic ID card to help members to confirm their status during the COVID-19 crisis. PDA members can log in and access their ID cards here.

Use the PDA toolkit to help reduce the risk of COVID-19 in community pharmacy

Following guidance from the GPhC on 8 June, the PDA want to help pharmacists to reduce the risks of COVID -19 in the pharmacy and to consider what actions to take to reduce the risk of closure, if their whole pharmacy team may have to self-isolate. The PDA has produced a risk assessment tool designed to enable a systematic approach to both assessing and managing the risks of COVID-19 in the community pharmacy as well as building resilience to prevent closures.


thumbnail of Covid-19 Communiity Pharmacy Resource


thumbnail of Pre-reg FAQs

Download the Provisional Registration Charter here

thumbnail of Provisional Registration Charter 2020



PDA Chairman Mark Koziol was interviewed by RT UK on the abuse pharmacists are facing whilst on the front line in the fight against COVID-19. You can watch the video interview here.

BBC Horizon Coronavirus Special – Part 1. Excellent 59-minute documentary looking at the first 100 days and providing a well-explained exploration of the science, data and latest research. Available on BBC iPlayer until Friday 8th May 2020:

ITV News clip about violence and abuse in community pharmacy featuring survey figures from the PDA: Pharmacies ‘abandoned on the front line’ in Covid-19 effort, ITV News survey reveals –

Useful links 

Sources of official and regular updates from key stakeholders

  1. NHS England and NHS Improvement – coronavirus. Links to dedicated sections for primary, secondary and community care plus a comprehensive list of key documents:
  2. Public Health organisations  
    1. Public Health England
    2. Public Health Wales
    3. Health Protection Scotland
    4. Public Health Agency in Northern Ireland
  3. NPA – regular updates and guidance:
  4. PSNC – COVID-19:
  5. GPhC – regular updates and guidance:
  6. RPS – updates and guidance:
  7. NHS England Coronavirus Primary Care Bulletin
  8. BMJ Coronavirus HUB – guidance, editorials, research, UK and international news. 
  9. NICE COVID section including rapid guidelines:
  10. Specialist Pharmacy Service:
  11. Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP):
  12. NHS E speciality guides for patient care (e.g. anticoagulation)
  13. Association for Supportive and Palliative Care Pharmacists (ASPCP) – free membership. A website with query answering service and Q&A forum for members:
  14. GPHC: Temporary registration during the COVID-19 emergency
  15. E-Learning for Health: Free Access to the Coronavirus programme
  16. CPPE:
  17. Covid Rashes – Emerging Skin Manifestations of COVID-19
  18. Skin Rashes during COVID-19:
  19. COVID-19 ’ICU’ risk | The BMJ: 20-fold greater in the Vitamin D Deficient. BAME, African Americans, the Older, Institutionalised and Obese, are at greatest risk. Sun and ‘D’-supplementation – Game-changers? Research urgently required.
  20. General Pharmaceutical Council (External): Update on new legislation relating to controlled drugs during the COVID-19 pandemic
  21. Anaphylaxis Campaign provides resources on allergies and the Covid vaccination


BBC Panorama: Has the government failed the NHS?:




The Pharmacists' Defence Association is a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England; Company No 4746656.

The Pharmacists' Defence Association is an appointed representative in respect of insurance mediation activities only of
The Pharmacy Insurance Agency Limited which is registered in England and Wales under company number 2591975
and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Register No 307063)

The PDA Union is recognised by the Certification Officer as an independent trade union.

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General Guidance Resources Surveys PDA Campaigns Regulations Locums Indemnity Arrangements Pre-Regs & Students FAQs Coronavirus (COVID-19)