Although each sector has its own challenges, reps are united in their vision to make the workplace better for pharmacists, which in turn improves patient outcomes.
One rep told the PDA, “I want to increase local membership further so that we become a greater voice to be reckoned with.” Another said, “I enjoy the continued opportunity to work on improving the conditions for pharmacy staff.”
In community pharmacy, our reps have been focusing on issues varying from medicine shortages and abuse in pharmacies to staffing issues and ensuring protected paid time for training. One rep said, “I’d like to continue to hold those in positions of power to account and to empower members to demand greater accountability from our leaders. Ultimately, I’d like to play a part in helping reshape the direction that the pharmacy profession and the community sector is heading.”
Reps in the hospital sector were crucial in ensuring that members completed the recent survey about NHS pay. Concerns that the PDA Reps have raised include the patient volume following Covid-19, pharmacists having to cover multiple wards, and interruptions during breaks. One rep said, “I hope to help spread the message about the PDA. I think meeting and talking to members is one of the best things you can do as a rep to get the best levels of feedback.”
In primary care, reps have discussed Structured Medication Reviews (SMR) targets, as well as workload and the challenges of remote working. Jyoti Saini, PDA Rep in an Integrated Care Board (ICB) said, “I’d like to deliver more wellbeing and supportive workshops to members and attend more training events.”
PDA Locum Reps have highlighted rates of pay, as well as difficulties around accessing electronic systems. PDA Rep Aneil Nath said, “I hope to increase awareness of the benefits of union representation, which is especially important during the current cost of living crisis and the challenging working conditions we are facing.”
One rep told the PDA, “It’s great to be able to act from the frustrations others may be facing,” whilst another said, “being a rep has had a positive effect on my career” and “the role has really helped me with building my confidence.”
Another rep said, “It’s been very rewarding. If you’re considering the role, talk to us – there are skills you will learn as a rep that are 100% transferable to other roles!”
PDA Reps are vital to the work of the PDA. Those who are interested in getting involved and making a difference in the workplace, with employers, and in the pharmacy sector are encouraged to get in touch with the PDA today.
Get involved
- Become a PDA Rep here.
Learn more
- Celebrating the PDA Reps
- PDA Student Reps in action, the GFTU Young Members Development Weekend
- PDA Reps Negotiating Skills Training
- PDA Reps collaborate on member engagement
- PDA Reps meet to share best practice in supporting members
- PDA Reps networking event hailed a success
Not yet a PDA member?
If you have not yet joined the PDA, we encourage you to join today and ask your colleagues to do the same.
Membership is FREE to pharmacy students, trainee pharmacists and for the first three months of being newly qualified.
Read about our key member benefits here.